Ramzi Kassem

Ramzi Kassem is Assistant Professor of Law and directs the Immigrant and Refugee Rights Clinic. With his students, Professor Kassem has represented prisoners of various nationalities presently or formerly held at American military facilities at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, and at other detention sites worldwide.

Before joining the CUNY law faculty, Professor Kassem was a Robert M. Cover Teaching Fellow and Lecturer in Law at Yale Law School, where he taught in the Civil Liberties & National Security Clinic as well as the Worker & Immigrant Rights & Advocacy Clinic. Professor Kassem also previously served as Adjunct Professor of Law at Fordham University School of Law, where he taught in the International Justice Clinic.

As a Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr. Civil Rights Fellow at Cochran Neufeld & Scheck, Professor Kassem litigated high-impact cases stemming from wrongful convictions and police misconduct. He has also served as a legal consultant for the International Center for Transitional Justice in New York City.

Professor Kassem is a graduate of Columbia College and holds law degrees from Columbia Law School, where he was a Senior Editor for the Columbia Law Review, and from the Sorbonne.

Author of:

Implausible Realities.1 114 Penn St. L. Rev. ___. *(forthcoming in Iqbal Symposium Issue)

From the Author:

1 This author welcomes responses to this abstract and the upcoming article.  The author may be contacted at:

  • Ph: 718-340-4558
  • ramzi.kassem@mail.law.cuny.edu