Victor C. Romero

Maureen B. Cavanaugh Distinguished Faculty Scholar and Professor of Law at the Dickinson School of Law of the Pennsylvania State University.

A native of the Philippines, Professor Romero teaches and writes in the area of immigrant and minority rights. Professor Romero joined the faculty in 1995 after working in private practice and as a law clerk to a federal judge in California. An elected member of the American Law Institute (ALI), Professor Romero is co-editor of the anthology, Immigration and the Constitution, and author of Alienated: Immigrant Rights, the Constitution, and Equality in America. In addition to his course in Immigration Law, Professor Romero teaches Constitutional Law I and II. Professor Romero has served as president of both the South Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the ACLU and the NAACP of the Greater Carlisle Area. He was also a visiting professor of law at Howard and at Rutgers-Camden. Most recently, Professor Romero served as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in University Park during academic years 2006-07 and 2007-08.

Author of:

Interrogating Iqbal: Intent, Inertia, and (a lack of) Imagination.1 114 Penn St. L. Rev. ___. *(forthcoming in Iqbal Symposium Issue)

From the Author:

1This author welcomes responses to this abstract and the upcoming article.  The author may be contacted at: