Scholarly Dialogue: Stephen F. Ross (Apr 2010)

Penn State Law Review hosted a Scholarly Dialogue with Stephen F. Ross, Lewis H. Vovakis Distinguished Faculty Scholar, Professor of Law, and Director, Penn State Institute for Sports Law, Policy and Research, on April 7, 2010. [watch video]

Professor Ross presented his work, “Judicial Review of NCAA Decisions: Evaluation of the Restitution Rule and a Call for Arbitration.”  This article analyzes the oft-distinct strands  of private associational law and remedies to conclude that the Restitution Rule constitutes an improper waiver of recourse, but that the NCAA can achieve its legitimate aim of quick and definitive resolution of issues involving its internal decisions by mandating that member schools and student-athletes submit all disputes to binding arbitration before a neutral, expert arbitrator.  Hillary Hewit, incoming Comments Editor of the Penn State Law Review, dialogued with Professor Ross concerning his article, followed by a public question and answer period.