Scholarly Dialogue: Zachary A. Kramer (Feb 2010)

Penn State Law Review held a Scholarly Dialogue with Professor Kramer on Monday, February 8, 2010.

This Dialogue featured Zachary A. Kramer, Assistant Professor of Law, as he presented his work, “Heterosexuality and Military Service.”

Professor Kramer’s work makes two distinct contributions to the scholarly literature. First, it provides a new way of approaching the issue of gay military service. To date, the issue of gay service has been debated primarily in terms of whether the presence of openly gay service members would hinder military effectiveness. This paper breaks from this trend by steering the conversation away from sexual orientation—and, in particular, homosexuality—and refocusing it on sexual conduct. Secondly, it makes a stand-alone contribution to the growing field of what scholars are calling “critical heterosexual studies” (CHS). Stephanie K. Savino, of the Penn State Law Review, dialogued with Professor Kramer. [watch video]